Sample Program Review Questions

Mission & Goals

  1. How do the program’s mission and goals align with the University’s liberal arts and sciences mission and core outcomes and values?
  2. How does the program support University priorities and guiding documents (strategic plan, vision statement, etc.)?
  3. How are student post-graduation outcomes aligned with the program mission and goals?

Program and Course Outcomes

  1. Are these outcomes aligned with the Mission and Goals of the program?
  2. Are these outcomes aligned with campus outcomes, such as the critical thinking framework and the characteristics of graduates?
  3. How does the program support the Liberal Studies Program, as well as other significant University-wide programs such as Truman Week, Assessment, etc.?
  4. How does the program support other students taking courses in the program, such as minors, support for other majors, and those exploring with free electives?
  5. Does every course have appropriate course-level outcomes, contained in an appropriate course-level syllabus?
  6. Is every program element mapped against program-level outcomes in a curricular map?
  7. How does the program support campus-wide initiatives and goals such as Critical Thinking and Experiential Learning?
  8. How does the program support co-curricular and extra-curricular activities that promote student development?
  9. How does the program support outreach initiatives with educational programming for external and/or non-traditional audiences of learners (e.g.: K-12 students, adult learners, online learners, non-degree seeking students), including those organized through the Institute for Academic Outreach?

Quality Processes, Assessment, and Documented Evidence

  1. To what degree are student knowledge, skill, and attitude learning outcomes for majors in this program clearly articulated and measurable?
  2. How are the program curriculum and methods designed to promote these student learning outcomes?
  3. What evidence exists (student responses to survey questions, student scores on tests, samples of student work, student ratings on products, performances, etc.) to show that students whose major is in this program are achieving learning outcomes?
  4. What evidence exists to show that those taking program courses from outside the major (LSP, minors, support courses etc.) are achieving learning outcomes?
  5. How effectively is the program assessment data used for improvement?
  6. To what degree have faculty in the program contributed to teaching, research, and service?
  7. Based on assessment results, what institutional support might be needed to ensure program quality improvement?
  8. How effectively does the program identify, address the needs of, and provide support for at-risk students?
  9. How effectively does the program develop and implement retention strategies to retain students in the program and at Truman?
  10. How effectively does the program collaborate with Admissions in recruiting students?

Goals for Continuous Improvement

  1. What progress has the program made toward goals listed in the previous Five-year Review report?
  2. How are the strategies, measures of progress, and indicators of attainment identified in the current Five-year Review report appropriate for achieving program goals for continuous improvement?
  3. When the next program review occurs, how will an outside observer be able to tell if the program has been successful in their evolution?