Notification of upcoming review. Standard Data Elements produced
The Office of Academic Affairs notifies programs bf their upcoming program review by sending standard data elements to departments. These data should be discussed by departments as part of the program review process.
Program Review Coordinator and Team identified
A department’s begins the process by identifying the Program Review Coordinator(s). Larger departments may also specify a Program Review Team to assist the Program Review Coordinators.
The Coordinator’s first job is to help the department review the purpose of program review. Though the final reports are shared with the Dean, Academic Affairs, and the Missouri Department of Higher Education, the most important audience is are program faculty. The program review is a time to reconsider program goals – whether the current goals need to be updated, what current and future obstacles to those goals are, and evidence of progress toward those goals. The primary focus of the review should be on students.
Funding: The School/Department may use up to $1000 over the entire process for summer stipends and other costs related to program review. No more than $500 may be paid to any individual faculty member for summer work in either program review year. Programs are allowed/encouraged to split stipends among multiple program review team members. Stipends are paid after relevant documents are received by the Director of Assessment representing Academic Affairs. Other expenses: incidental costs, such as printing and copying, should be covered through the department’s normal budget, in consultation with their Dean.
Assessment Workshop required
Beginning in Fall 2016, programs beginning review will be required to participate in an Assessment Workshop run by the Provost’s Advisory Committee for Assessment. Programs send 2-3 representatives to a 3-hour workshop. These workshops focus on interpreting the standard data elements, understanding student learning outcomes, and understanding university-wide assessment data.