Third Semester Program Review Activities

  • Self-Study is edited/improved/approved

Building on the work of the Program Review Coordinator(s), the department finalizes the self-study document.  Most of the work here is focused on improving the student experience and student outcomes.

  • Self-Study is distributed to Dean and Office of Academic Affairs

Once the Self-Study is approved by the department, it is submitted to the Dean and the Director of Assessment.  Once approved by the Director of Assessment, the coordinators or team can apply for the first portion of the stipend.  The appropriate form is the Approval for Additional Assignment form through the business office.

  • Reviewers are selected and approved.

Departments should select three potential external reviewers, and submit the c.v.s of those reviewers to their Dean and the Director of Assessment for approval.  (When disciplinary organizations have reviewer pools, these can be used so long as they provide appropriate reviewers).  Once approved, the Dean should invite the reviewer.  An example invitation is available.

The Academic Affairs Office will pay for travel and hotel expenses for external reviewers, including a stipend, as appropriate. Academic Affairs will pay up to $800 for a reviewer’s stipend after the review is received by the Academic Affairs Office. Stipends for additional reviewers may come from the department/school in consultation with the Academic Affairs Office.  When external accreditors have costs associated with accreditation, these are normally paid by the School/Department.  Before beginning work, the external reviewer should sign the appropriate contract.

Department chairs should select at least one internal reviewer in consultation with their Dean.  The reviewer should be from another school at Truman. The department should submit the name of that reviewer to the Office of Academic Affairs for approval.  An example invitation is available. Internal reviewer(s) do not receive summer stipends (as all work happens during the regular semester), but participation in this review should be counted by their department appropriately as substantial service to the University. The Chair, Dean and VPAA should ensure that appropriate documentation is provided suitable for inclusion in a promotion/tenure portfolio and that reviewers are recognized for their service.